$urvival of the Fittest Technology

Digital Health Investment

The worst part about owning a Fitbit or BodyMedia band (I have had each at sometime or another) is forgetting to wear them when you work out.  People who have activity monitoring devices can relate — these things are addictive!

Fast Company: Digital Health Devices

For more on how Nike is navigating the competitive landscape of activity monitoring devices, visit FastCompany.com

Not only are they a fun way to track your physical activities, diet, and sleep but with the help of sites like Earndit.com, people are able to donate real money to non-profit organizations like Just World International by simply tracking your activities every time you work out.

With new applications to support health-tech tracking devices and their seamless integration into a user’s lifestyle, VC’s are continuing to invest in wellness innovation.  But the level of investment has not been even, companies like Jawbone and Fitbit have received considerably more capital over the past year than their competitors, although it should be noted that Jawbone has an array of other products it’s capital supports while Fitbit focuses entirely on their line of health-tech products.  Similarly, it’s nearly impossible to speculate how much Nike has invested in it’s own Fuel band during this same timeframe.

Will more start-ups enter this new space of activity tracking or will the companies with the most venture funding dominate the digital health landscape over the next few years?

For a comparative review of how each activity monitoring device actually work visit GetGrok.com

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